About Us

The Maryland Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors is a statewide non-profit organization providing programs and services for the survivors of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in the state of Maryland according to Federal and State government criteria.

Our Mission

Rebuilding shattered lives of survivors and co-workers affected by line of duty deaths through partnerships with law enforcement and the community.


We are glad you are here- if you are new to this organization, let us first say we are sorry you had to find out about us. If you are a Law Enforcement Officer or the general public wanting to know more, then you are in the right place.

The Maryland Chapter Board of C.O.P.S. has recently had some changes and we would like to introduce ourselves to each of you. Please know that our goal is to continue to provide support to every survivor here in Maryland- C.O.P.S. was founded in 1984, as a Peer Support organization and that is our goal for all survivors to feel like they are being listened to and never forgotten. We promise to never forget our fallen officers and we will do the same in caring for our survivors.

Chapter Board

Lynne Parry
Surviving Spouse of Det. Sgt. Mark Parry, Baltimore County Police Dept. EOW 1/21/2002
Email: presidentmdcops@gmail.com

Vice President
Jeannie Mastronardi-Mowbray (Retired F/Sgt. Maryland State Police)
Surviving Co-Worker of TFC Mark Groner, Maryland State Police, E.O.W. 10/1/1992
Email: vicepresidentmdcops@gmail.com

Jeff Hancher
Surviving Father of Officer Jacob Hancher, Myrtle Beach Police, South Carolina, E.O.W. 10/3/2020
Email: treasurermdcops@gmail.com

Karen Santangelo
Surviving Sibling of Officer Gregory Santangelo, Frederick Police Department, E.O.W. 12/28/2021
Email: secretarymdcops@gmail.com

Chapter Trustee’s

Jules Pritchard (Retired Sgt. Maryland State Police)
Surviving Co-Worker of Cpl. Edward Toatley, Maryland State Police, E.O.W. 10/30/2000

Melissa Ayala
Surviving Spouse of Sergeant Hector I. Ayala, Montgomery County Police Dept. E.O.W. 4/4/2010

Pat Tinsley
Surviving Parent of Cpl. Jamel L. Clagett, Charles County Sheriff’s Office, E.O.W. 12/21/2014

Chapter Police Liaison’s

Sgt. Chris Crespo, Harford County Sheriff’s Office

PO3 Tara Bond, Montgomery County Police Department

M/Tpr Ian Rola, Maryland State Police

Cpl. Justin Joseph, Frederick Police Department

What is next??

We are still in a transition period of changing from past board leadership to our current one, so please bear with us. But look here soon for more information.

In the meantime if you want to be added to our email list please click below OR Call National C.O.P.S. at 573-346-4911 to get your email added to their database.

We want to hear from you so feel free to email any of us.

And of course we want to acknowledge the Board members who came before us for their leadership and guidance.


Concerns of Police Survivors graphic with Maryland flag

Email presidentmdcops@gmail.com for more information 

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C.O.P.S encourages law enforcement personnel… Learn More